Tag Archives: Brands

Great Chat with Facebook’s Own David Baser, on the New Facebook Page Insights

Clickz.com sat down recently with Facebook’s David Baser to discuss the recent overhaul of Facebook Page Insights.  For anyone who is familiar with the new metrics, it is pretty clear that the new insights are going effect all brands, regardless of their size.  Ultimately, it seems that Facebook is trying to bring in a new era, where quality engagement will define a brand page’s success, not just their amount of ‘likes’.  Here are some of the highlights we pulled from their conversation… Continue reading

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84% of Big Brand Execs Say Their Brand’s Sociability isn’t ‘World Class’

We stumbled upon an interesting infographic this morning on Mashable about big brand sociability.  It seems like brands might FINALLY be getting ‘it’.  I don’t know about you, but I’ll believe it when I see it.

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